Last updated: 2020-10-04
The requirements necessary for replacement spinal cord functionality involve the following high-level elements.
Signal Transmission
Status: Research Phase
Organic Model: the most critical function the spinal cord provides is that of the data transmission hub between the brain/brainstem and body. With the most notable exception of signals from the optic nerves, nearly all communication between brain and body utilize the spinal cord in some manner.
Engineered Models: as with neurons in general, an engineered neuron is plausible. However, an engineered replacement for the spinal cord involves a significant number of connections all throughout the body, over greater distances, and in very high densities.
Available Devices
The viability of an engineered spinal cord is directly related to the viability of engineered neurons. If an engineered neuron becomes viable to a significant degree, so to does the viability of an engineered spinal cord.